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EdgeX Foundry

Discover all about IOTech's latest collaborations with EdgeX Foundry 

IOTech to develop EdgeX Foundry Community Demonstrator

IOTech Systems announces that the company is in the process of developing an EdgeX Foundry community demonstrator. Read more here.


2017: A Year of Momentum for EdgeX and IOTech

Keith Steele, IOTech CEO, EdgeX Foundry Board member & TSC Chair gives his views on why EdgeX Foundry has generated momentum after its launch.


IOTech CEO Keith Steele elected as the founding chair of the Linux Foundation's EdgeX Foundry Project Technical Steering Committee

Keith Steele, IOTech Systems CEO, had been elected as the founding Chair of Linux Foundation's EdgeX Foundry. Read more here.


Another Great F2F TSC Meeting

The main discussion for the meeting was the status of the California Release, projected for early July and the roadmap for the Delhi release due in October.


New Industrial IoT Software and Services company, IOTech aligns with Linux Foundation EdgeX Foundry Project aimed at unifying the ecosystem for IoT Edge Solutions

IOTech Systems announces that it is joining the Linux Foundation's EdgeX Foundry™ open source project as a founding member. Read more.


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Keywords for: EdgeX Foundry Related News & Articles | IOTech Systems

open edge data platform, edge software solutions, edge computing iiot, digital transformation solutions, edge software solutions, edge computing iiot, digital transformation solutions, edge software solutions, edge computing iiot, digital transformation solutions, iotech systems, iiot platform, data processing, edgex foundry, iotech systems, iiot platform, data processing, edgex foundry, iotech systems, iiot platform, data processing, edgex foundry, iotech, dataops, iotech, dataops, iotech, dataops