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Bluetooth Low Energy, BLE connectivity logo | IOTech Systems

Easily discover, connect and then read and write data to Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices with IOTech’s high performance BLE device connector


What is BLE ?

Bluetooth Low Energy, BLE connectivity | IOTech Systems

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), is a light-weight subset of classic Bluetooth and was introduced as part of the Bluetooth 4.0 specification
  • BLE is a close-range, wireless technology prevalent in connecting low-power/battery consumer IoT devices including wearables, phones, and tablets
  • Compared to the full Bluetooth protocol, BLE is focused on delivering small amounts of data at low speeds
  • BLE devices define both a General Access Profile (GAP) and a Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). The GAP controls the connections and visibility of devices, while the GATT defines how two devices transfer data via BLE Services and Characteristics. GATT-based data flow occurs after two devices are connected based on the GAP advertising and discovery process
  • BLE devices are categorized into 2 types: peripheral (GATT Server) devices, such as heart rate monitors or proximity tags, are the small, low-power, resource-constrained devices that connect to a much more powerful central (GATT Client) device such as a phone, tablet or gateway. A peripheral can only be connected to a single central device at a time, so once connected, a peripheral will stop advertising itself

IOTech's BLE device connector supports a wide range of functionality including configurable dynamic discovery and automatic onboarding of watched BLE devices


The BLE device connector implements the following key features:  

  • Discovery of BLE devices that are in advertising mode and within range
  • Connecting to a BLE device that meets the above criteria
  • The capability to automatically onboard watched devices configured by an allow-list and block-list
  • Reading the values of a connected device’s specified GATT characteristics
  • Writing the values of a connected device’s specified GATT characteristics
  • Automatic notification when a connected device’s GATT characteristic is updated
  • Additional support for notifications when multiple GATT characteristics use the same UUID
  • The ability to specify conversion functions for a set of vendor-specific GATT characteristics
  • Automatic disconnection when the BLE device is removed or is out-of-range
  • Support for Boolean, Int8, Uint8, Int16, Uint16, Int32, Uint32, Int64, Uint64, Float32, Float64 and String data types

Note the BLE device connector requires the installation of BlueZ and the D-BUS daemon on the host machine running the connector

If you would like more information on IOTech’s Bluetooth device connector please contact us 

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Keywords for: BLE Connectivity Solutions | IOTech Systems

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