IOTech Systems Limited

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Author: By Andrew Foster, IOTech Product Director

Major Industrial OEMs are using Edge Xrt to power their edge solutions

Edge Xrt is already a big hit with major industrial OEMs. With the recent launch of Edge Xrt 2.0 we’ve made it even easier to integrate advanced OT and IoT capabilities as part of your edge software solution.

Our goal with Edge Xrt has always been to greatly simplify the development of time-critical OT applications and in turn shorten the time it takes for you to release new edge software solutions for your customers.

Openness and flexibility are key to achieving this. That’s why Edge Xrt was designed to be hardware agnostic, independent of the silicon provider (Intel or ARM) and operating system. Users also have complete deployment flexibility, they can deploy it as a native application, containerized, and/or into a virtualized environment.

Our configuration vs code approach and the product’s open APIs makes it very easy to firstly integrate Edge Xrt into your product solution and then leverage the product’s multi-vendor OT connectivity, cloud interoperability, and high-performance, real-time edge processing capabilities to create a new generation of protocol-agnostic edge solutions.

Specifically, with Edge Xrt 2.0 we have introduced a new MQTT API that allows Edge XRT client applications to easily manage the lifecycle of any connected device/sensors, support read/write OT data access, control device discovery, and resource scheduling. We also expanded the number of OT protocols standards that are now supported. For protocols that support device discovery, such as OPC UA or BACnet for example, then zero manual configuration (e.g. the creation of Device Profiles using the DCT) is required to onboard a new device. This is really important when connecting to devices that may have thousands of data points to read. Creating static configurations for these types of devices can be painful!

To illustrate the new MQTT API to drive device management in Edge Xrt I’ve put together the following video which shows how easy it is to automatically discover BACnet devices in the network and then explicitly add them to Edge Xrt. I also show how to use the API to configure schedule reads for present value resources and set up reads for COV resources.

Please check out Edge Xrt 2.0 and if you have any questions then drop me a line at

23rd Jun 2022 14:30


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Keywords for: Industrial OEMs using Xrt to power their edge solutions | IOTech

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